Wednesday, 5 October 2011

Blog Assignment #10

This 3D example by Victor Vasarely of 'Contemporary Design', utilizes the manipulation of scale and the representation of the letter 'X'.

This image utilizes the manipulation of scale because the viewer can clearly see that the image first started as a flat grid with evenly spaced and sized colorful squares. As the first image was being manipulated, the scaled squares have been pulled and stretched to create the 3D effect that Vasarely has designed.

This particular image by Vasarely utilizes the representation of the letter 'X', the twenty fourth letter in the basic modern Latin alphabet. The letter 'X' has many uses in today's society. Some examples of where you may find 'X' being used are: in mathematics, many languages, and computing codes. A visual example of where 'X' is used is on the 'International Maritime' Flags. These flags are used for boaters to fly when they are in trouble. There are may flags in many colours and each have their own meaning. In this image, the first stance has been manipulated in ways that has resulted in the final product to look like an 'X'.

These representations serve to 'add meaning' to the image because they have made the image into something different. Something that another designer may not have thought of attempting to make them work side by side. These two representations have added a different feeling to the image once the viewer has thought about them with more than a glance at the image.

Image reference:
Original (2005). Victor Vasarely (1906 - 1987). Available: Last accessed October 5th 2011.

Wednesday, 28 September 2011

Blog Assignment #9

A significant ideological message that is informing design is global warming and the action that needs to be taken to attempt to reduce our carbon footprint. Many businesses are now basing design and their manufacturing around being green and helping reduce the effect of global warming along with eco friendly stationary for the office and hybrid company cars. The suggestion that humans have caused global warming is a big accusation as the World is evolving step by step and therefore have learnt only by development, change and mistake that many things contribute to the carbon footprint. Nevertheless designers are now encouraged to design more eco efficiently. 
Image Reference:

Wednesday, 21 September 2011

Blog Assignment #8

I agree with the position that design is a result of "function x economy" because the function needs to be able to weighed up against the economy for the desired final design. The function needs to be weighed up against the economy as the function for the final design needs to be able to be designed in a way that suits the current economic situation so that when the completed design is released on sale, consumers need to be able to afford the design and the designer to make his/her profit.
I think that design today should, and can be both 'science' and 'art'. There is no line that states what design actually is, so doesn't that mean that anything and everything could and can be design no matter what it is? You could design a painting that would be defined as 'art', but you could design a new way of making a cure for cancer which would be under the science category. 
Image Reference:
Express Furniture. (2010). EFW-DC037 - Marcel Breuer Inspired Wassily B3 Chair. Available: Last accessed 21st September 2011.

Wednesday, 14 September 2011

Blog Assignment #7

An example of ’Symbolic Universe’ today is the Internet. The Internet is an example of symbolic universe because it is an instance of great change in the world. Media and design can be implicated in the construction of the Internet as media has some content of which needs to be put up onto the internet (News Websites) and within the internet needs to be website which needs to be designed by Web Designers or Coders. The Internet is a ‘Symbolic Universe’ that is constantly moving forward within itself, technology and this day and age. The Internet is one of the most relied on resources for almost anything, from handing in assignments (Us – Blogs) to paying for your groceries online so you don’t have to make the dreaded trip to the supermarket. Design and Media play a big part in within the Internet and is a major part of Design itself as well.

Thursday, 8 September 2011

Blog Assignment #6

I agree with Walter Benjamin’s argument that to ask for an authentic print from a photographic negative makes no sense because there is no authentic print. It is different to asking for a copy of a painting as the original painting is painted how the artist wants and sees in his head, so asking for a copy of the painting would be impossible as the artist wouldn’t be able to paint the painting exactly the same again or a picture copy is still not authentic. Asking for an authentic photograph print from a negative is sort of the same in the fact that the negative is the original of the photograph, therefore asking for an authentic print would be impossible. I don’t think there is a role for ‘authentic’ in an age of digital design and manufacture as the authentic image is taken on a digital camera making it impossible for people to print the original image that was taken.

Friday, 12 August 2011

Blog Assignment #5

The experience and experimentation of artists has influenced our understanding of colour and the development of a theory of colour vision through the way that they experimented with colour and light through optical mixing and simultaneous contrast. Simultaneous contrast is strongest when the two colours are complementary, which are colours that are completely opposite on a colour circle like Newton’s colour circle.  And example of this is Vincent Van Gogh’s painting ‘The Night CafĂ©’. “I have tried to express the terrible passions of humanity by means of red and green.” 1 (Gage, J)

Gage, J. (1993). Colours of the Mind in Colour and Culture: Practice and Meaning from Antiquity to Abstraction (pp.191-212). New York: Thames and Hudson.

Friday, 5 August 2011

Blog Assignment #4

Adolf Loos argued on 1908 that 'The evolution of culture is synonymous with the removal of ornament from objects of daily use." I agree with this because the history and development of design follows that statement closely. An example of this is the image of the vase below, as it does not look like a traditional vase or even a vase at all. It looks more like just a decorative form.The way that the designer has reshaped a traditional vase and the use of colour also adds to the uniqueness of the design. The sleek, beautiful design and shape of the vase attracts the eye unlike a traditional vase.

As stated in this weeks reading from Adolf Loos’ essay 'Ornament and Crime', "...But if the ornament is beautiful."1 (Loos) Loos then went on to say "If I want to eat a piece of gingerbread I will choose one that is completely plain and not a piece which represents a baby in arms of a horse-rider, a piece that is covered in decoration."2 (Loos) I can see how this relates to modern design and in the image of the vase as the vase uses a form to show beauty rather than being ornamented, rather than being decorated. 

Works Cited

Loos, A. (n.d.). Ornament and Crime.

Thursday, 28 July 2011

Blog Assignment #3

In The Grammer of Ornament, Owen Jones argued that "Construction should be decorated, rather than decoration being purposely constructed because there is always room for changes and improvements when constructing something. I agree with this because it makes sense that you decorate the construction so that you don't damage or ruin the decoration that has be carefully done to the construction.
 The necklace above was designed by Janice Law. It is a laser cut umbrella necklace which is made from wood. Its lone role is to be ornamental and is an example of constructed decoration. The umbrella is being perceived in a way that has nothing to with its purpose or the substance it is made from.

Friday, 22 July 2011

Blog Assignment #2

I believe that this object has the continuing curve and is a result of sensuous impulse because through this image I can tell that there has been a lot planning and designing to reach the goal of this object. I can also see the areas in which make the object that attract the eye and bring beauty to it. I also feel that this object makes it hard for the viewers to escape the need to know more about it or the want to know observe longer. The way that this object has been photographed also contributes to the sensuous impulse as it draws the eye in closer to see the full extent of the object and the characteristics that it holds. 

Friday, 15 July 2011

Blog Assignment #1

Helvetica -
Helvetica is a widely used sans-serif typeface developed in 1957 by Swiss typeface designer Max Miedinger with Eduard Hoffmann. Helvetica is one of the most widely used sans-serif typefaces. Helvetica is a common choice for commercial wordmarks, including those for 3MAmerican AirlinesAmerican ApparelBMWJeepJCPenneyLufthansaMicrosoftMitsubishi ElectricTargetPanasonicMotorola, and Kawasaki

I think that Helvetica is important because before I came to uni, I did not know about Helvetica and the history that lies beyond the font. I also think that it is important because of how common and popular it is around the world.

Saturday, 11 June 2011

The Letter

I composed my letter as a normal letter but have an image of a Pandora box as the back ground image. I felt that this was appropriate as I am addressing a singular product and the box has the logo present.

I chose to have this detail image of my letter because this part discusses the possible improvements that Pandora could make to their bracelets.

The Poster

I feel that my precedent image from relates to my concept for my poster because of the way that the poster is arranged with a semi break line in between the two people which is what I hoped to achieve in my poster allowing the viewer to make their own decision as two which of the two products they would desire.

My final poster shows the contrast between two products allowing viewers and potential customers to make their own decision but at the same time the poster pushes the viewer towards the left hand side of the poster because it is bright and more appealing. 

The Word

For my word I decided to use a 'Thread' of ribbon because this relates back to the elegance my brand. I chose the word 'Connection' because of the connection that customers have with their jewelry and the people that may have contributed to their bracelet. In the creation of my word I also chose to connect the fence that I used together using the second 'N' in the word connection to reinforce the meaning of 'Connection'.

Studio Work - Design Concepts

These are my design concepts for each part for The Letter, Word and Poster.

These are my sketches of the six logos we were required to draw and then 6 re-designed Pandora Logos.

Wednesday, 1 June 2011

Group Assignment

Through our advert we wanted to convey that music can bring people together and that anyone can listen to the music that they desire.

Team Names:
*Lauren Humphrey
*Caitlin Pilcher
*Jarrod Dick
*Kishan Patel

Wednesday, 18 May 2011

Group Work

Team Names: 
* Caitlin Pilcher
* Lauren Humphrey
* Jarrod Dick
* Kishan Patel
* Conflict records


Logo + Slogan:

Friday, 15 April 2011

Stop Motion Research

I find this stop motion really interesting because for one, I have never completed a rubicks cube before and I think this stop motion would have taken a long time to create. I also like this because it kinda keeps you wondering if the person doing the cube will actually complete or not.

Stop Motion Research

This stop motion I also find really cool. I like the way that the producers have produced the stop motion in the way of printing out the pictures rather than making the stop motion through digital images.

Stop Motion Research

Stop Motion Research

I got shown this stop motion clip in one of my design lectures and found it really amazing. Only if I had the time and capability to create something like this. The effort and time the creators must have put into it would be incredible. I think it is very well done.