Wednesday, 28 September 2011

Blog Assignment #9

A significant ideological message that is informing design is global warming and the action that needs to be taken to attempt to reduce our carbon footprint. Many businesses are now basing design and their manufacturing around being green and helping reduce the effect of global warming along with eco friendly stationary for the office and hybrid company cars. The suggestion that humans have caused global warming is a big accusation as the World is evolving step by step and therefore have learnt only by development, change and mistake that many things contribute to the carbon footprint. Nevertheless designers are now encouraged to design more eco efficiently. 
Image Reference:

Wednesday, 21 September 2011

Blog Assignment #8

I agree with the position that design is a result of "function x economy" because the function needs to be able to weighed up against the economy for the desired final design. The function needs to be weighed up against the economy as the function for the final design needs to be able to be designed in a way that suits the current economic situation so that when the completed design is released on sale, consumers need to be able to afford the design and the designer to make his/her profit.
I think that design today should, and can be both 'science' and 'art'. There is no line that states what design actually is, so doesn't that mean that anything and everything could and can be design no matter what it is? You could design a painting that would be defined as 'art', but you could design a new way of making a cure for cancer which would be under the science category. 
Image Reference:
Express Furniture. (2010). EFW-DC037 - Marcel Breuer Inspired Wassily B3 Chair. Available: Last accessed 21st September 2011.

Wednesday, 14 September 2011

Blog Assignment #7

An example of ’Symbolic Universe’ today is the Internet. The Internet is an example of symbolic universe because it is an instance of great change in the world. Media and design can be implicated in the construction of the Internet as media has some content of which needs to be put up onto the internet (News Websites) and within the internet needs to be website which needs to be designed by Web Designers or Coders. The Internet is a ‘Symbolic Universe’ that is constantly moving forward within itself, technology and this day and age. The Internet is one of the most relied on resources for almost anything, from handing in assignments (Us – Blogs) to paying for your groceries online so you don’t have to make the dreaded trip to the supermarket. Design and Media play a big part in within the Internet and is a major part of Design itself as well.

Thursday, 8 September 2011

Blog Assignment #6

I agree with Walter Benjamin’s argument that to ask for an authentic print from a photographic negative makes no sense because there is no authentic print. It is different to asking for a copy of a painting as the original painting is painted how the artist wants and sees in his head, so asking for a copy of the painting would be impossible as the artist wouldn’t be able to paint the painting exactly the same again or a picture copy is still not authentic. Asking for an authentic photograph print from a negative is sort of the same in the fact that the negative is the original of the photograph, therefore asking for an authentic print would be impossible. I don’t think there is a role for ‘authentic’ in an age of digital design and manufacture as the authentic image is taken on a digital camera making it impossible for people to print the original image that was taken.