Saturday, 11 June 2011

The Letter

I composed my letter as a normal letter but have an image of a Pandora box as the back ground image. I felt that this was appropriate as I am addressing a singular product and the box has the logo present.

I chose to have this detail image of my letter because this part discusses the possible improvements that Pandora could make to their bracelets.

The Poster

I feel that my precedent image from relates to my concept for my poster because of the way that the poster is arranged with a semi break line in between the two people which is what I hoped to achieve in my poster allowing the viewer to make their own decision as two which of the two products they would desire.

My final poster shows the contrast between two products allowing viewers and potential customers to make their own decision but at the same time the poster pushes the viewer towards the left hand side of the poster because it is bright and more appealing. 

The Word

For my word I decided to use a 'Thread' of ribbon because this relates back to the elegance my brand. I chose the word 'Connection' because of the connection that customers have with their jewelry and the people that may have contributed to their bracelet. In the creation of my word I also chose to connect the fence that I used together using the second 'N' in the word connection to reinforce the meaning of 'Connection'.

Studio Work - Design Concepts

These are my design concepts for each part for The Letter, Word and Poster.

These are my sketches of the six logos we were required to draw and then 6 re-designed Pandora Logos.

Wednesday, 1 June 2011

Group Assignment

Through our advert we wanted to convey that music can bring people together and that anyone can listen to the music that they desire.

Team Names:
*Lauren Humphrey
*Caitlin Pilcher
*Jarrod Dick
*Kishan Patel